
Wonderful world

“And I think to myself … what a wonderful world”, sings the Estonian visual artist Reiu Tuur while he spontaneously paints. “I use simple visual language but I describe something important from a different time and space. I want to deliver this view of art to my young students”, explains Tuur.
Luisa Balaban (a participant at the workshop of Reiu Tuur) talks about her path to the world of painting.

Follow your inner path

The group of the Lithuanian visual artist Redas Dirzys hammered a huge web of wires through the public hallsways of the Løgumkloster Højskole. “Be free of representation, be free of the cliché-ridden world that controls the artistic world” explains the artist. Follow the inner path of Alter Ego in the video.

All participants

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Disturbing art ?

The second day has come and the artists and students are more eager than ever for the creative workshops. The group of the Lithuanian visual artist Redas Dirzys distanced themselves from the others and started with their so-called disturbing art.

“Be free of mind, be free of representation”, instructed the Lithuanian while his disciples took a spool of thread and started hammering. In no time a huge spider’s web started te get form inside the building, disturbing countless public entrances. “I want my students to be free of form, be free of the clichéd world that controls the artistic world”, concluded the artist.

Artistic passion

The French actor Olivier Cherki wants to develop the youthful enthusiasm of his students into artistic passion. The preformer opened with the aid of physical exercises a new world of body language for the young actors. Olivier tells us more about his way of teaching.

Rhytmical sounds

The Belgian band Joshua and Alain Mbaki Makengo (Romania) took the full responsibilty for learning the young souls the tricks of the trade. With young élan they made music with different instruments like an electric guitar, piano, djembé and a drum set. A young girl from Belgian tells us about her passion for music.

At the crack of dawn the artists and youngsters woke up for the beginning of the intense workshops. After breakfast the young people were divided into smaller groups according their preferred arts discipline. A small group of five followed the famous French actor Richard Sammel who now plays in the new movie (Inglourious Basterds) by Quentin Tarantino.

“You are the master of everything, try to surprise yourself”, explained the actor standing in the middle of a large room. The students scowled and continued to stare at the well-known performer. “Try to copy my every movement” and he suddenly started jumping and running across the big room. The students desperately tried with heart and soul to imitate the actor but failed time and time again.

After a few hours the students were able to recreate every movement without any hesitation. They had become real actors. With happy faces they left the room for a well deserved lunch.

Bonds of friendship

The Alter Ego project is all about youngsters who participated in an art competition. It was for the organizers, artists and the StampMedia crew a big relief to see them arrive safely in the airport of Copenhagen. Due to the different scheduled arrival times the groups who landed early were able to go on a short tour round Copenhagen. A Danish guide showed the elated youngsters the most famous and oldest places in the well-known town of Anderson. From big statues and old streets to showy and expensive shops.

It was a load off our minds to see the young people from 22 different countries get along so well. During the guided tour they got to know each other in person. The short trip helped them to tighten the bonds of friendship even more. In no time they giggled with happiness and enjoyed every moment. After an hour the tour reached its final destination and the group got on the bus for a long ride to Løgumkloster Højskole.





Artistists arriving

Around 8 p.m. the awaited group of artists arrived in the Folk school of Løgumkloster. After an exhausting trip the group headed straight for the kitchen to fill their empty stomachs. During the evening meal they got acquinted with each other and the journalists of StampMedia. After a tasteful satisfacation the group decided to visit a pub to settle down after the strenuous trip

In no time a minibus arrived to take the excited group to the only bar in a small village 17 km away. The cheerful atmosphere in the bus resulted in a miniparty with balloons. Everybody was in a good mood, people were laughing and cheering while the musicians sang vigorously. In a wink the revellers arrived in a cosy Danish pub. This was the perfect place and time for the artists to get to know everybody informally. People started dancing and singing while the alcohol consumption kept rising. When everybody was having the time of their life the taxies arrived to take the lively group back home for a well deserved sleep.






Waiting for the arrival

The first artists set foot in Denmark while the personnel of the Danish school Løgumkloster Højskole have been busy preparing the arrival of 44 youngsters of 22 European countries. Rooms are being sweeped, elaborated meals are being conjured while the journalists of StampMedia prepare their expensive material for creating the documentary of this exciting experience. Everybody holds his breath for the arrival of the young artists tomorrow morning.

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